In the Quantum Healing world, a world that has its foundation in energy, Light codes and portals, notions like remote healing, remote viewing  or energetic connection, are ordinary concepts and somewhat concrete. My affirmation might seem hilarious to some people, but to us that work with energy, it is very “solid”. Quantum Physics explained that everything is energy, and the space is almost empty with just 1% matter. This is how the illusion of solid objects is explained. 

What does it mean for us? It means that we can use another person that offers to receive the information and healing in someone else’s place, but the effects will be reflected in the person that the session is intended for. Everything is energy, and it travels at the speed of light, hence all the connections and transmissions are instantaneous in our situation. 

Who would need such a session? Children under the age of 17, bedridden people, unable to go and get an in-person session, people that lost their intellectual capabilities, like people that are in a coma, people that are mentally challenged or that are suffering from psychosis, such as schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder, etc., people that cannot be hypnotized and those who are afraid to be hypnotized because of religious beliefs, and those that are curious about hypnosis, but do not want to be the subject of it, yet wish to find the answers through someone else, like a surrogate. 

How is this done? Before getting into technicalities, I would like to explain the only surrogate hypnosis sessions currently available in the world: QHHT. 

In QHHT, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, the surrogate has to be a first degree relative of the person in need of a hypnosis session, such as a parent to their child, an adult for an elderly and/or ill parent, a sibling that suffers from a mental illness, or a first degree relative who is bedridden and unable to do an in-person session. All QHHT sessions, including the surrogate ones, are done only in person. In all the cases listed above, with the exception of extremely young children (since they are linked via karma with their parents), we need the person’s consent for which the session is done. Without it, the session cannot be done as it would infringe on the fundamental right of free will. Even though some people mean well, we cannot do a surrogate session for their loved ones without their permission. 

All I do is a short interview in order to understand the person and their circumstances, so I can facilitate the session.  It’s simple and efficient. Why not have someone else do it for you?

I record the session and the person will receive it within 24 hours. 

It is highly recommended to listen to it with an open minded in order to fully access the energy codes that came through it, exactly the same way they came in the in-person sessions as well. 

For a better understanding on how the surrogate sessions work, I will give you an example.

Edgar Cayce, The Sleeping Prophet, 1877-1945,, who would himself go into a trance on behalf of his clients. He’d self hypnotize and find the answers that his clients were seeking. He’d become a channel through which the sought information would flow. The majority of his clients would come to see him for health problems. 

Edgar Cayce’s method was composed by him traveling to the Akashic Records in his clients’ place, being a surrogate for his clients. He would access the Akashic Records, then would open their books of the present life or a past one, where he would find all the answers for his clients. His wife would assist him, the same way as I assist Adriana. 

As you can see, this is nothing new or that was not done before, just the means and technique are a bit different this time. They are similar in principle, withstanding the test of time, and have been proven to be the most valuable methods, as they were re-validated over time, with great results. 

Edgar Cayce did over 14.000 readings in the Akashic Records, and worked with medical doctors from Virginia, thus helping a lot of people to heal. All these doctors agreed with and acknowledged his treatment recommendations that he would bring back from the Akashic records.

With all this being said, I just want to encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity and have a surrogate session done just for yourself. 

This is sacred work which causes enlightening experiences for those involved; and I do this from the heart space, in coherence with our minds, and in accordance with the Universal Laws, which are connected with the Source of All That Is.  

If you know anyone in need of such technique, maybe a loved one, a close friend or acquaintance, please pass along this information!


This is not meant to replace any medical procedures or treatments. If you have any serious medical condition, please address your family doctor or specialist immediately.