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Title : Importance of Self-Nurturing & receiving a QHHT Session as a PractitionerRating : Author * : Christine ODate: : May 27, 2024Location : Custom1 : Custom1 : Website : Testimonial *I’ve long-awaited a travel opportunity to the lore-filled region of Sedona, Arizona. In early May of this year (2024) there was a lull in my busy calendar, so I scheduled a one-week Holiday to visit Prescott, AZ & subsequently Sedona. Specifically, I wanted to visit Prescott in order to meet Violeta Stoica, Level 3 QHHT Practitioner. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique [QHHT] is the method develop by Dolores Cannon for past life regression followed by a conversation with Subconscious (SC) or Higher Self [HS] and healing of physical and emotional issues by SC/HS. This technique also helps our understanding of why we incarnated in our current body, what the life purpose is, etc. Of course, as with any spiritual healing method individual results can vary contingent upon one’s readiness and faith. The QHHT facilitator does not do any ‘healing,’ but simply connects one to their own SC/HS and asks for guidance and healing from the SC/HS. NOTE: In general, people who meditate or practice any spiritual discipline have better results from a QHHT session as well as and people in creative or helping occupations. Full disclosure . . . I’m a Level 2 QHHT Practitioner & was seeking additional insights & guidance from my SC/HS. There are many decision junctures within the upcoming year & I sought wisdom & to benefit from a self-nurturing opportunity. I prepared myself mentally to relax into this upcoming event by honing my meditation skills to ensure I’d have a quiet mind to relax & simultaneously focus. It was easy to schedule & coordinate my QHHT Session preparation with Violeta. Her voice is calm, nurturing, & supportive. She is a quintessential professional combining gentle care with targeted investigating queries of the SC/HS to search out the optimum insights for her clients. She has no judgement of any scenario, solely a strong desire to assist you in moving forward, & to progress in self-healing. Violeta provided a safe, sacred space for me to convey all of the tumultuous events of my life's journey to this juncture including traumatic & difficult experiences. It was deeply cathartic as I released deep-seated emotions that had been buried beneath years of quiet suppression. I truly felt might ‘lighter’ after the first ½ of my QHHT session with Violeta, because she deeply listened & concurrently fully understood my experiences (without the need to hash through each & every detail of the traumas). She was reassuring & very gentle. My past life regression was insightful & revealed my true soul desire for my current life/incarnation. I felt safe, strongly protected, comfortable, & perceptively guided with her questions. Violeta understood me quite well & comprehended to target my SC/HS was endeavoring to convey. She facilitated the session review with surgical precision & highlighted the items of importance to glean from the QHHT Session. I feel deeply renewed, treasured, & am more confident to step into my future with this new knowledge. I’m quite grateful for my time working with Violeta. A very valuable experience. Life-changing in a positive manner. Skillfully managed throughout our work together. Thank you, Violeta, from the depths of my soul for providing professional QHHT services. Your services are greatly needed!

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